Version 1.0.6

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Release notes

New features

  • The Report Builder (PlanWise and RegWise) has been modified so that you can put more than one condition when computing sums and average values.
  • When creating a report template in previous versions of the Report Builder, you had to choose between the functions �??Sum�?� and �??ConditionalSum�?�, and between �??Average�?� and �??ConditionalAverage�?�. This has been simplified so that you can always add conditions to �??Sum�?� and �??Average�?�, making �??ConditionalSum�?� and �??ConditionalAverage�?� obsolete. Old templates should still work.
  • Reports of sums or average values over stands can now be weighted. For example, making a report of mean harvest diameter is preferably weighted with stand volume harvested, see example (here.
  • The optimization language syntax now supports brackets in conditions, allowing for more complex expressions. For example, �??with (A and (B or C))�?�.
  • Support for a third optimization problem solver called SCIP/Soplex has been added. This solver is more efficient than LP_Solve, especially for solving MIP problems (but less efficient than CPLEX). The solver itself is not distributed but must be obtained by the user. It is free for academic use. For non-academic use a commercial license is required. See Optimization solvers for further details.
  • StandWise has a tool for automatically generating a treatmemt schedule, but this function has until now only been working for even-aged mangement (tool button �??Last Period with Treatments�?�) and no management (button "Last Period"). Now you can also choose "Continuos Cover Forestry" (selection harvesting) as management system. The two buttons "Last Period..." has been merged into one button, �??Last Period with Treatments�?� ("Väx till sista perioden med åtgärder"). When you select this tool, a dialog is displayed in which you select what management system to simulate.
  • Additional rules for unconditional final felling and thinning have been implemented in RegWise.
  • In PlanWise, when the management system is set to "Continuous cover forestry", several alternatives can be generated for a stand by varying the timing of harvest periods.
  • In the window "TPG Results" in PlanWise, you can scrutinize results from the treatment program generator before proceeding with the optimization model. The window design has been modified. First, you can no longer open several windows simultanously. This was a flexible but messy function. The one remaing window is split in two halves: the upper half contains an overview of treatment programs, the lower half shows details of the row (i.e. the managment program alternative) currently selected.
  • NOTE: Two new result variables are available: SiteIndexH (SIH), and DominantHeight (övre höjd). However, these are only intended for the research group working with the modelling of an improved stand establishment model.
  • A new default optimization model is supplied ("Max nuvärde med jämnhetskrav ver 4.hops"). Replace "Max nuvärde med jämnhetskrav ver 3.hops" with this one!

Bug fixes and improvements

  • The calculation of dominant height has been modified. This may lead to that you obtain different thinning regimes in this version.
  • An error had been corrected in the computation of "Lowest final felling age" (Lägsta slutavverkningsålder, LS�?). This error lead to that LS�? was too high in some cases.
  • The import utility for stand registers has been modified and is less error-prone (but not fool-proof!) thanks to some new functions:
    • Species proportion are always normalized so it does not matter whether the user has entered percentage or fractions.
    • Species-wise stem densities are calibrated to match total stem densities.
    • Latitude is not required if coordinates are supplied.
    • StandID is now a text string allowing longer StandID. MapID and SubStandID are no longer in use.
  • Simulation of tree list from stand register data has been improved so that simulated data better match input data.
  • several minor fixes.

Known issues

  • Mean age will be underestimated for young stand plantations with a mean height less than 1 m. The system will consider these stands as bare land and regenerate them, despite they may already be established. The problem occurs when you have entered data with the Import Stand Register utility, and not entered regeneration method and year for the young stands. The problem is solved if you enter a plantation year and method for all stands that are have a mean height less than 1 m.
  • In RegWise, there is no harvesting in the first period.

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