Dead Wood Results

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This result group contains: Volume of dead wood per decay class.

Calculation of dead wood

See model description for dead wood.

The projected occurrence of dead wood is a result of dead wood inventory data (if supplied or calculated), occurrence of mortality, and dead wood decay.

Note! All dead wood results refer to the stem part, including bark, above ground. Harvest residues that are not exctracted as biofuels, and tree parts from naturally dead trees, are transferred to the soil carbon model. The top of the stem (i.e. tree top without branches) is a special case: it is transferred to the dead wood pool if the tree dies naturally, but to the soil carbon model if it's a harvest residue. Only mortality in established stands is transferred to the dead wood pool, mortality in young stands are transferred as litter to the soil carbon model.

Result variables

MinDiameter, indicates if the minimum diameter set in the Dead Wood control table (default 10 cm) is used.

Variable name Unit Min diameter used? Description
Carbon in Deadwood tonnes C/ha Yes Carbon content in dead wood, based on the biomass (which differs between decay class) in stem and bark.
Dead Standing Trees volume, m3sk/ha Yes Volume of dead standing trees, with a diameter ≥ MinDiameter when the tree died. Depending on decay class, a certain proportion of the dead wood is assumed standing dead trees, and the rest assumed downed, see table below.
Dead Standing Trees >=20cm volume, m3sk/ha No Volume of dead standing trees, with a diameter ≥ 20cm when the tree died.
Dead Standing Coniferous Trees volume, m3sk/ha Yes Volume of dead standing trees of pine, spruce, and Logepole pine. Larch is also included.
Dead Standing Deciduous Trees volume, m3sk/ha Yes Volume of dead standing trees of broad-leaved trees.
Downed Dead Wood volume, m3sk/ha Yes Volume of downed standing trees, with a diameter ≥ MinDiameter when the tree died. Depending on decay class, a certain proportion of the dead wood is assumed standing dead trees, and the rest assumed downed, see table below.
Downed Dead Wood >=20cm volume, m3sk/ha No Volume of downed standing trees, with a diameter ≥ 20cm when the tree died.
Downed Standing Wood Coniferous volume, m3sk/ha Yes Volume of downed dead wood of pine, spruce and Logepole pine. Larch is also included.
Downed Dead Wood Deciduous volume, m3sk/ha Yes Volume of downed dead wood of of broad-leaved trees.
Volume Decay Class 0-4 volume, m3sk/ha No Volume of dead wood in a given decacy class.