Version 1.9.4

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Version 1.9.4



Version 1.9.4 is a minor upgrade. It includes new functionality for taking into account that the tree mortality in retention patches is usually increased after final felling the stand which the retention patch is part of. The functionality is somewhat in a beta-version and will be tested in a specific research project.

New features

  • A new control table parameter called "Include Contorta" in control table Treatment Model, section Fertilization, controls whether Lodgepole pine should be included when calculating conifer proportion or not, and it is NOT included by default. The criteria "Min Conifer Proportion" says that at least 70 percent of the volume (excluding overstorey trees) must be conifers to simulate a fertilization. Until now, Lodgepole pine has been included, but from version 1.9.4 you must explictly change the parameter to True to include contorta.
  • A new type of user defined set called Formula Set is available in the optimization model, as an alternative to an integer set. With Formula Set, you write the definition of the set yourself. A Formula Set can for example be a subset of another set. For example {<p> in Periods with p < 10} is a subset of Periods, where period index is less than 10. A definition of a Formula Set is enclosed by brackets { }; See Zimpl User's guide, page 10:
  • The mortality in retention patches within a main "parent" stand is usually increased during some years after final felling the main stand. A new functionality is available to handle this and includes four new features (see below). The only thing you have to do to make it work is to define stands as retention patches in the stand register, or, as before, let the system create partial set asides (NC-areas). The new features to support the new functionality are:
    1. Possibility to define retention patches in the stand register import template as an alternative to let the program set aside "NC-areas". The retention patch is defined as a specific stand in the import template, in a separate row, and can therefore have another state than the parent stand that is belongs to. If and when the parent stand is clear cut, the retention patch stand will be subject to an increased mortality the first 10 years after the clear cut.
    2. A new parameter "Adjust Retention Patch Mortality" in control table Production Model for adjusting mortality rate in these patches (True by default, if you set it to False mortality is independent the management of the main stand).
    3. Generation of alternative developments at the retention patches depending on whether the main stand has been clear cut or not. Previously, in retention patches, also called partial set asides ("NC-areas"), there was only one alternative generated, for unmanaged conditions. Now, one alternative is generated for each alternative simulated for the parent stand.
    4. In PlanWise you must also add a constraint to the optimization model that enforces the correct alternative of the retention patch to be selected. This constraint is automatically generated when choosing "Add Renention Patch Linkage" from the Optimization menu.


  • The stand register import is now using column headings for variable mapping, instead of column order. This means that the data import is more robust to changes of the stand register template. However, you must supply correct column headings. Import files of version 1 will still work without column headings though. If the import routine finds a column with a column heading that has no match, it will map data into the first free UserDefinedVariable-column.
  • The prognosis model for soil carbon and soil nitrogen (the Q-model) has several parameters. Two of these are Css and Alfa0 which are calculated by the model, or can be set by the user. These are now saved as result variables, in result table Carbon and Nitrogen.
  • Result variables IsSetAside and ForestDomain have been moved to result table TreatmentUnit from AlternativeSummaryData and ForestDomainData, respectively. The reason for this is that a stand belongs to the same forest domain or is a set aside throughout the entire planning horizon. If you open an optimization model created in a previous version of PlanWise and that includes either of these variables, you must edit the model where these variables are used, for example in conditions. The variables database links are remapped autmatically though.
  • Some parameters have been updated in the Q-model, according to a revised model description.

Bug fixes

  • Report templates put in the report root directory can now be edited.
  • Thinning history and fertilization history was not handled when using FMPP data. It was imported, but not taken care of. The fix affects growth (thinning and fertilization response was not included before the fix, neither was "locking" of harvest treatments in recently fertilized stands).
  • Renaming or adding an optimization set would sometimes raise an error, this has been fixed.
  • It was sometimes not possible to select polygons. This has been fixed.
  • Sometimes no management programs were generated in stands with an uncertain dominant species (for example a mixed stand of birch and spruce with almost the same tree species proportions). The error was caused by a problem when calculating minimum final felling age, which depends on domainant species. The fix is temporary, and will looked into further to next release.
  • When exporting result details to csv-files from columnwise result view, semicolon separators between column labels were missing.
  • Result variable AreaFactor is now visible in columnwise result view.
  • Fertilizations are applied in a way that could cause the fertilizations to change the control category history of a previous generation.