Create Forest Database

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Revision as of 09:31, 11 September 2009 by Hah (talk | contribs)
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A "Restore"-procedure executed in SQL Server Management Studio to create a local forest database is described here. A corresponding functionality is now available in PlanStart. In both cases the SQL Server software needs to be installed on the computer, while the built-in functionality seems to be compatible only with SQL Server 2005.

In menu "Tools" > "Create Forest Database":

  1. "Browse..." to the catalogue on your computer holding the backup-file of a forest database. If you are missing such file, contact a Heureka administrator (usually, available on a ftp-server).
  2. In "Settings..." you give the additional information necessary, e.g. "LOCALHOST" or "LOCALHOST\SQLEXPRESS", depending on the installed SQL Server.
  3. Press "Create database" and wait (might take a while, depending on the size of the database-backup.

Now you should have a local forest database. It might be empty or with some data (for testing) already imported. There are several possibilities to import new data and set up an analysis area of your own. Read more about this in other parts of the User's guide to PlanStart.

  • Note
The first thing to do is checking the version of the created database. Perhaps some upgrade scripts needs to be run to make the database compatible with the other Heureka applications.