Climate Model

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In Heureka, the effect of global warming on forest growth can be accounted for based on results from a process-based model called BIOMASS. BIOMASS was developed by McMurtrie et. al (1990)[1] and has been modified and validated for Swedish conditions in a number of studies [2], [3], [4], [5]. BIOMASS is computationally demanding to run and not suitable to include directly in Heureka’s growth simulator. Therefore BIOMASS was run for different parts of the country and different forest conditions, and the results have been used to construct an approximation model of BIOMASS.

How the model works

Response modifiers

Input data

With the installation of Heureka, there are three climate model scenarios available:

MPI 4.5: Based on Max Planck Institute MPI-ESM model using radiation scenario RCP 4.5, which assumes that radiative forcing stabilises at 4.5 W/m² before the year 2100. See also RCP4.5 at SMHI's homepage.
MPI 8.5: Based on Max Planck Institute MPI-ESM model using radiation scenario RCP 4.5, which assumes that radiative forcing stabilises at 8.5 W/m² before the year 2100.. See also RCP8.5 at SMHI's homepage
ECHAMS_A1B: Based on Max Planck Institute climate model ECHAM using emission scenario SRES A1B.

See also

About SMHI climate scenarios
Climate scenarios used in Heureka in the SKA 15 project
Import climate scenario in Heureka Helpdoc.

Model settings that a user can modify

Selected climate scenario

Model parameters

Several model parameters can be modified via the Climate Model control table.

Age adjustments


  1. McMurtrie R. E., Rook D. A. & Kelliher F. M. 1990. Modelling the yield of Pinus radiate on a site limited by water and nitrogen. Forest Ecology and Management 30: 381–413.
  2. Bergh J., McMurtrie R. E. & Linder S. 1998. Climatic factors controlling the productivity of Norway spruce: a modelbased analysis. Forest Ecology and Management 110: 127–139.
  3. Freeman M & Linder S. 2001. Boreal forests. In: Long-term effects of climate change on carbon budgets of forests in Europe (eds. Kramer, K. & Mohren, G.M.J.) pp. 197–203. Alterra-report 194. Alterra, Green World Research, Wageningen, 2001
  4. Bergh J., Freeman M., Sigurdsson B. D., Kellomäki S., Laitinen K., Niinistö S., Peltola, H. & Linder S. 2003. Modelling the shortterm effects of climate change on the productivity of selected tree species in Nordic countries. Forest Ecology and Management 183:327–340
  5. Freeman M, Morén A-S, Strömgren M & Linder S. 2005. Climate Change Impacts on Forests in Europe: Biological Impact Mechanisms. In: Management of European Forests under Changing Climatic Conditions (eds. Kellomäki, S. and Leinonen, S.). ResearchNotes 163, University of Joensuu, Forest Faculty, pp. 45-115. ISBN 952-458-652-5
