Applications: PlanWise





Rerun the TPG-simulation for a specific optimization result

If you rerun a simulation in PlanWise, you can add variables that were not included in the original simulation. For each stand, the management schedule selected according the plan is recreated and applied in the rerun. The function works similar to when applying user-defined treatment proposals, but instead of importing treatment proposal, you just select an existing optimization result as starting point. You could also change the discount rate, use another price list, other cost functions etc. However, unless intentional, you should avoid changing production model settings. This is because the information used to restore the management programs when rerunning a simulation assumes that the biological growth is the same. For example, inactivating natural ingrowth in the production model settings, and applying a management regime that relies on natural ingrowth, would probably give peculiar results.


Note that results may not be exactly the same, depending on the degree of stochasticity in the growth models. Most of these are by default applied in deterministic mode, but for example height growth reduction on saplings due to damages have a stochastic component. Also, if you have changed the control table settings after the original simulation, such as thinning configuration, the results cannot be exactly reproduced.


Export tree-level data

This function also gives you the possibility to save tree-level data for each time period for a certain optimization. Check the box Log trees to file to do this when using the Rerun simulation function. The data is saved to a text file which you can then open in for example Excel.




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