Applications: PlanWise and StandWise

(Corresponds to the Scenario Settings control table in RegWise)


This chapter contains detailed information on the Treatment Program Generator control table.


The table contains settings for putting together management programs (schedules). For example, here you select management systems, define timing intervals for different treatments, select a fertilization policy (if any), and whether harvest residues should be extracted or not.


Before you continue, please read the Generate treatment programs in PlanWise chapter, and browse the Simulation of silivicultural treatments and harvesting chapter.


Section 1: "Treatment timing - General"


See also Final Felling timing in PlanWise.




Management System

Type of management system to generate treatment programs for. See Management System.


Final Felling Period Min

Minimum number of periods to await final felling after the lowest allowable stand age has been reached, or, for stands that are already old enough for final felling (today), the minimum number of periods to wait compared to the first planning period before considering final felling.


Final Felling Period Max

The maximum number of periods that final felling can be postponed compared to the first period tried. The actual period depends on Final Felling Period Min

Rotation Age Adjustment Factor

The lowest final felling age is multiplied by this factor. For example, factor 1.1 means that the minimum final felling age allowed is increased by 10%

Thinning Period Delay Max

Maximum number of periods to postpone the first thinning relative to suggestions in the thinning guide.

High Priority Thinning Criteria

If the thinning guide proposes a thinning with a larger thinning grade than this value, then the thinning is enforced and cannot be delayed further, meaning that Thinning Period Delay Max is overruled.



Section 2: "Treatment timing - Strategic planning"


See also Strategic TPG.




Always Cleaning

Only save programs that include cleanings, if cleaning is recommended by the guide.

False: Do not save programs without cleanings, if cleaning is recommended by the guide.

Always Thinning

True: If thinning is possible before a certain final felling period, then only programs that include at least one thinning are saved, given that final felling period.

False: Programs without thinnings are also saved, even if thinning is possible according to the thinning guide.

Cleaning Period Delay Max

Number of periods to delay cleaning relative to the first possible cleaning period.

Max Number of Thinnings


Maximum number of thinnings allowed during one rotation.

Min Time Between Thinning and Final Felling

Minimum number of periods that must pass between last thinning and final felling.

Min Time Between Two Thinnings

Minimum number of periods that must pass between two thinnings.

Treatment Priority

You should not generally change this parameter. It controls how the treatment generator algorithm prioritizes when deciding what alternatives should be saved when fewer alternatives should be saved than the total number generated. It is by default more important to obtain a variation in final felling timing than in thinning timing.

Min Time Between Two Selections (selection fellings)

Displayed when Management System is set to Uneven-aged. The minimum number of periods that must pass between two selection fellings.

Breeding Improvement Time Horizon

Number of years it is assumed that plants will be genetically improved. For computational reasons, this could be limited to a smaller value than the default of 100 years, for example to 50 years. The assumed productivity change over time is set via the Breeding parameter in the Treatment Model control table.



Section 3: "Treatment timing - Tactical planning"


See also Tactical TPG.




Include Final Felling

See Tactical TPG.

Include Thinning

See Tactical TPG.

Include Unmanaged

See Tactical TPG.



Section 4: "Fertilization"


See also Fertilization policies in PlanWise.




Harvest Delay after Previous Fertilization

Number of years that must pass after a fertilization before a new harvest activity is scheduled (thinning, selection felling or final felling). If you have entered fertilization history in a stand register (column LastFertilziationYear), this will be considered when scheduling the first harvest treatment.

Fertilization Policy

See Fertilization policies in PlanWise.



Section 5: "Forest Fuel Extraction"


See also Bio fuel extraction. (Forest Fuel and Biofuel are used interchangeably in the system!)




Final Felling

If set to true, harvest residues after final felling are allowed to be extracted to be sold as biofuel. Whether extraction will actually be done will also depend on Bio fuel extraction settings in the Treatment Model control table.


If set to true, harvest residues after thinning are allowed to be extracted to be sold as biofuel. Whether extraction will actually be done will also depend on Bio fuel extraction settings in the Treatment Model control table.

Selection Felling

Displayed if ManaIf set to true, harvest residues after selection felling are allowed to be extracted to be sold as biofuel. Whether extraction will actually be done will also depend on Bio fuel extraction settings in the Treatment Model control table.




Section 6: "Handling of Treatment Proposal"


See User-defined treatments







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