Add habitat requriements to an optimization model

Applications: PlanWise

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In PlanWise you can include somewhat simplified habitat requirements for a vector-based model in an optimization model. For example, constraints can be added for a certain minimum area of habitat area in a landscape in each time period. See the example given in the article below.


The optimization model tool has some built-in support for adding such constraints. Please note that using this feature may currently require great skills in linear programming.


Please also note that the optimization model becomes more complex and in all likelihood will require optimization solvers such as CPLEX or Gurobi that can handle large MIP problems.


See also:

A scientific paper where this method is used:

Öhman K., Edenius L., & Grzegorz M. 2011. Optimizing spatial habitat suitability and timber revenue in long-term forest planning. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 41(3).

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