You can create your own result variables that can be displayed under "Results - details" and in "Results - tables and diagrams", and be used in report templates.


Create or remove custom result variables


Follow the instructions below to create one or more, or remove, custom result variables.


1.Open the Tools menu and press "User Results..."


2.Press "Add Row"
3.Enter the values below
Alias - For example; My variable
Species - For example; Pine
Please note that you can choose one or more species! If you press "Select multiple values..." then a new window will open where you can choose one or more species.
Variable - For example Volume
Enter at least one of the following values
Min diameter (cm) - For example; 10
Max diameter (cm) - For example; 20
Min Age (year) - For example; 10
Max Age (year) - For example; 100




4.Add more rows if needed.
Please note that you can define a maximum of 10 result variables of your own.


5.If you want to remove a result variable, then first select the row you want to remove and then press "Remove row".
6.Press "OK" when you are done.
Please note that it is important that you remember the order of the result variables you have created because it is the order of the result variables, and not the Alias you specified, that is used in report templates. This is because report templates can be used in several projects where there may be different own result variables.

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